Research Division

Research and Publish

The research division, led by Casey Jussaume, aims to equip members with quantitative solutions to answer research questions.

This division conducts quantitative analysis on specialised topics with the purpose of publishing. The final product will be published (partly through our Economicsense collaboration) with members contributing the quantitative analysis. Companies can get involved both through speakers, or by sponsoring specific research topics of interest.

Innovation Lab

The biggest infrastructural projects

The core of the club, the Innovation Lab is open to all members. The innovation lab is a hub led by Lucas Miranda centered on research and development of research methods, algorithms, and various solutions. The main task is to create products and tools, supervised by the Director of Innovation, for the benefit of all QUARCC alumni and work on long term end-of-the-year projects. Companies interested in certain production fields be it web-scraping, simulation design, natural-language-processing etc. can sponsor the group to work on specific topics.

Most of the projects will be unveiled to the public during our end of the year gala in April 2025.

Competitions Division

Algorithmic trading and worldwide competitions

Directed by Valentino Magniette-Bosseboeuf, this division focuses on building trading algorithms which are backtested, then deployed on a mirror of the NYSE & NASDAQ. Using an in-house cloud server, members can create trading strategies with minimal cost around the world. The division provides support for members to compete around the world and represent QUARCC.

The competition division is constantly evolving to provide students with more opportunities to test their skills in a high pressure environement. This allows potential recruiters to observe in real time what we are capable of.